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KLIKKE is a toy designed for young children with visual impairments. It plays a crucial role in teaching them spacial awareness from an early age, which is essential for their daily lives. Echolocation is a commonly used technique by visually impaired individuals to navigate their surroundings. KLIKKE offers a fun and interactive way for young children to learn and practice echolocation skills. 


The toy consists of two components - an audible clicker that produces a high-pitched sound and a reflector that can be placed around a location by parents or caretakers. The reflector helps in locating objects more accurately while allowing the child to gain familiarity with the concept of echolocation and their surroundings.


For the RSA competition 2022, I submitted a project that aimed to facilitate playful learning for young children. Specifically, I focused on designing an educational tool for children with visual disabilities that would help them develop basic life skills in an enjoyable way. The result was KLIKKE.

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